Home » » My gaff, is a very, very, very, very, very fine gaff

My gaff, is a very, very, very, very, very fine gaff

Now, as some of you hot-shot kiddies out there in 'netland may be aware I've been having various bits and pieces of work done on my house over the last couple of months - some with my willingly participation (new windows, electrics, etc.) others, less so (the back garden).

My last trip to America was almost ruined by having all of this crap dumped on me just before I left. Anyway, to cut a very long story somewhat shorter, the work is pretty much finished now (apart, that is, from getting 45 boxes worth of books, CDs, DVDs, videos, magazines and other household essentials out of storage - that's going to happen sometime over the next few days).

So, whilst my gaff is in it's current half-decorated-and-half-empty-but-actually-quite-tidy state I thought I do a quick "before and after" photo competition.

Can you stop the difference, dear reader?

It used to look like this:

And now, it looks like this!

Ace, eh?! Don't worry about the massive plaster stain on the wall, that'll be gone soon enough!

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